shell python php


The Global Payments ViComm API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors, although our API libraries convert responses to appropriate language-specific objects.

You should never expose your Server Credentials in any public website's client-side code.

To start the integration you will need to request to Global Payments ViComm Team for a Development/Sandbox account. Please send us your e-mail to identify you as a developer and the name of your company.

We will create an Application and give you the application code. From now this will be the identifier for your Application in the whole integration. We also give you a developer account based on the e-mail you provided. We will send you the password via e-mail to access to your developer account. You can access to this configuration here:

Environment URL

You can change you account password or if you forget it you can always use the forgot password option to recover it. In the Global Payments ViComm admin system you will see your transactions, application settings (including application URLs and application key) and so more.

Configurations have to be done for the application in development environment and production environment, URLs and application key are different for every environment. Development environment will be always available for tests even after launching your application to production.


In order to use the API, you need to use one of the following base URLs depending of the environment:

Cards payment method

Environment URL
Environment URL


To build the auth_token, you can use this code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import hashlib
from base64 import b64encode
print '#########################################################'
print '####### AUTH TOKEN TEST'
print '#########################################################'
server_application_code = ''
server_app_key = ''
unix_timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
print 'UNIX TIMESTAMP: %s' % unix_timestamp
uniq_token_string = server_app_key + unix_timestamp
print 'UNIQ STRING: %s' % uniq_token_string
uniq_token_hash = hashlib.sha256(uniq_token_string).hexdigest()
print 'UNIQ HASH: %s' % uniq_token_hash
auth_token = b64encode('%s;%s;%s' % (server_application_code,
unix_timestamp, uniq_token_hash))
print 'AUTH TOKEN: %s' % auth_token

import time
import hashlib
from base64 import b64encode
print '#########################################################'
print '####### AUTH TOKEN TEST'
print '#########################################################'
server_application_code = ''
server_app_key = ''
unix_timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
print 'UNIX TIMESTAMP: %s' % unix_timestamp
uniq_token_string = server_app_key + unix_timestamp
print 'UNIQ STRING: %s' % uniq_token_string
uniq_token_hash = hashlib.sha256(uniq_token_string).hexdigest()
print 'UNIQ HASH: %s' % uniq_token_hash
auth_token = b64encode('%s;%s;%s' % (server_application_code,
unix_timestamp, uniq_token_hash))
print 'AUTH TOKEN: %s' % auth_token
const API_LOGIN_DEV     = "Application Code Server";
const API_KEY_DEV       = "Application Key Server";

$server_application_code = API_LOGIN_DEV;
$server_app_key = API_KEY_DEV ;
$date = new DateTime();
$unix_timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
// $unix_timestamp = "1546543146";
$uniq_token_string = $server_app_key.$unix_timestamp;
$uniq_token_hash = hash('sha256', $uniq_token_string);
$auth_token = base64_encode($server_application_code.";".$unix_timestamp.";".$uniq_token_hash);
echo "TIMESTAMP: $unix_timestamp";
echo "\nUNIQTOKENST: $uniq_token_string";
echo "\nUNIQTOHAS: $uniq_token_hash";
echo "\nAUTHTOKEN: $auth_token";

All the requests must have the header Auth-Token: . This is a base64 encoded string, the string should be created as follows(consider the ; between each one):


Element Description
APPLICATION-CODE Ask the Global Payments ViComm team for it.
UNIXTIMESTAMP This must be created at the same time as the request, be aware that the time is in UTC and in SECONDS, you will have 15 seconds before you need to create a new one, or your request will be rejected (error.type: Invalid timestamp).
UNIQ-TOKEN Is the hexa representation of a hash sha256 generate from the string “secret-key”+”timestamp”, the secret-key is given by Global Payments ViComm team.

Once you have the UNIQ-TOKEN you need to apply the sha256 and the hexa convertion, you can use the next python example, just add your server_application_code and server_app_key:

Payment Methods


In this platform we can generate a reference to pay with cash.

Generate a reference

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
        "id": "payvalida"
    "user": {
        "id": "sadfasdf",
        "email": ""
    "order": {
        "country": "COL",
        "currency": "COP",
        "dev_reference": "prueba_stg_2",
        "amount": 50001,
        "expiration_days": 5,
        "recurrent": false,
        "description": "Esto es una prueba desde rest client"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "application": {
        "code": "AbiColApp"
    "commerce": {
        "merchant_id": "example"
    "user": {
        "email": "",
        "id": "sadfasdf"
    "transaction": {
        "currency": "COP",
        "country": "COL",
        "dev_reference": "prueba_stg_2",
        "amount": 50001.0,
        "expiration_date": "2018-07-01",
        "recurrent": false,
        "description": "Esto es una prueba desde rest client",
        "reference": "69193",
        "agreement": {
          "baloto": 95715,
          "efecty": 110342,
          "dimonex": 110342,
          "puntored": 113042,
          "redservi": 761
        "status": "pending",
        "id": "PV-0000000000021"

Cash transactions generates a payment reference through a carrier


Parameter Type Required Description String Yes Indicates the method by which the reference will be created. See carrier list String Yes (*) User name.
carrier.extra_params.user.last_name String Yes (*) User last name. String Yes (*) User phone.
carrier.extra_params.user.fiscal_number String Yes (*) The fiscal number (identification number) given by the user.
carrier.extra_params.user.address Json Yes (*) Object with user address, see the specification of address. String Yes Buyer identifier. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format.
order.dev_reference String Yes Id from commerce to identify the order.
order.amount Number Yes Total amount to pay. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.expiration_days Number No Number of days in which the payment reference expires. Default 2.
order.recurrent Boolean No To indicate if the pay is recurrent or not.
order.description String Yes The order description.
order.hours Number No Optional. If there is value, the reference will last hours. String Optional Country where payment will be made. By default the credential settings will be used.
order.currency String Optional Currency to be used for payment. By default the credential settings will be used.

Parameter Description
application.code Identifier of the application.
commerce.merchant_id Identifier of the commerce. Buyer email registered to order. Buyer identifier.
transaction.currency Currency of the transaction. Country where the transaction has made.
transaction.dev_reference Reference from commerce.
transaction.amount Total amount to pay.
transaction.expiration Limit date to pay the reference.
transaction.recurrent Show if the transaction will be recurrent.
transaction.reference Reference to make the pay in a store.
transaction.agreement Json object with all agreements to pay (For payvalida).
transaction.status The status of payment (pending, approved, cancelled). Id generated by Global Payments ViComm
transaction.url_reference Detailed printable view of the transaction.reference.


Carrier Response fields needed to pay
oxxo transaction.reference that must be converted in a barcode.
bradesco transaction.url_reference this send the printable view

Fields needed for every cash carrier

Carrier Fields needed in extra_params
oxxo, user.last_name
bradesco, user.last_name, user.fiscal_number, user.address

In case you are sending address, this is the Json Object Format:

This is an example of request with Address Object:

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
         "id": "bradesco",
            "extra_amount": 0,
                "name": "Pay",
                "last_name": "Mentez",
                "fiscal_number": "68753238850",
                "address": {
                    "state": "SP",
                    "city": "Sao Paulo",
                    "zip_code": "01418000",
                    "street": "Alameda Santos",
                    "house_number": "200",
                    "district": "Cerqueira",
                    "additional_address_info": "additional test"
     "user": {
         "email": "",
         "id": 1
     "order": {
        "dev_reference": "prueba_stg_2",
        "amount": 10,
        "expiration_days": 2,
        "description": "Esto es una prueba desde rest client"
}' ''

Parameter Type Required Description
state String No The state: ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code
city String No The city, max length of 30 characters.
zip_code String No The zip or postal code. Max length allowed of 30 characters.
street String No The name of the street.
house_number String No The house number
district String No The district.
additional_address_info String No Additional address info, without format.


In this platform we can securely store the sensitive credit card data.

This data is transformed into an encrypted code called token, which can be stored in a database. With the platform, the store will be able to offer features like “One click buy” and “Retry transaction”, always preserving the integrity and the confidentiality of the information.

Add a Card

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
    "card": {
        "number": "5119159076977991",
        "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
        "expiry_month": 9,
        "expiry_year": 2020,
        "cvc": "123",
        "type": "vi"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "card": {
        "bin": "511915",
        "status": "review",
        "token": "17121538682542236138",
        "message": "",
        "expiry_year": "2020",
        "expiry_month": "9",
        "transaction_reference": "CI-488",
        "type": "vi",
        "number": "7991",
        "origin": "ORIGIN"

This endpoint add a card to the platform related to a user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format. String No Buyer phone.
user.ip_address String No User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
user.fiscal_number String No The fiscal number given by the buyer Note: For card types ex, ak, vr, sx, ol, ep and cd this field is mandatory.
card.number String Yes A valid credit card number.
card.holder_name String Yes The credit card holder name.
card.expiry_month Number Yes The credit card expiry month.
card.expiry_year Number Yes The credit card expiry year.
card.cvc String Yes The credit card security number.
card.type String No Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.account_type String No The corresponding values for: Credit, Checking and Savings accounts are: C, R and A respectively. This field is mandatory for QR Colombia.
extra_params Json No Optional params (3DS 2 objects included) used for some commerce in Json format. Please contact your commercial executive for more details.
billing_address Json No Object with the billing address, see the specification of address.
Parameter Description
card.bin The BIN of the card (First six digits of the card).
card.status Either of the following status: valid, review, pending and rejected. If the response is "review" or "pending", the transaction associated to the attempt to add a card (transaction_reference) needs to be verified by the user, to set this card as valid.
card.token New card identifier. This code is unique among all cards, only returned if status is valid or review, "" otherwise.
card.message If any, would be the message of the carrier for example in case of rejected by carrier.
card.expiry_year The expiry year of the card.
card.expiry_month The expiry month of the card.
card.transaction_reference The that origin the addition of the card (only if it was sent to review, by the anti-fraud system, null otherwise).
card.type Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.number The last four digits of the card.
card.origin The origin of the credit card. Could be one of the following: ViComm, VisaCheckout, Masterpass.

Get all Cards

curl \
-k -L -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' \

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "cards": [
            "bin": "511915",
            "status": "review",
            "token": "17121538682542236138",
            "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
            "expiry_year": "2020",
            "expiry_month": "9",
            "transaction_reference": "CI-473",
            "type": "vi",
            "number": "7991"
            "bin": "422023",
            "status": "valid",
            "token": "15363681013452573066",
            "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
            "expiry_year": "2020",
            "expiry_month": "9",
            "transaction_reference": null,
            "type": "mc",
            "number": "8431"
            "bin": "453254",
            "status": "valid",
            "token": "10135134879450157925",
            "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
            "expiry_year": "2020",
            "expiry_month": "9",
            "transaction_reference": null,
            "type": "vi",
            "number": "8311"
    "result_size": 3

This endpoint retrieves all Cards related to a user.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
uid String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application.

A list of cards

Parameter Description
result_size Number of items of the list of cards.
card.bin The BIN of the card (First six digits of the card).
card.status Either of the following status: valid, review, pending and rejected. If the response is "review" or "pending", the transaction associated to the attempt to add a card (transaction_reference) needs to be verified by the user, to set this card as valid.
card.token Card identifier. This code is unique among all cards
card.holder_name The credit card holder name.
card.expiry_year The expiry year of the card.
card.expiry_month The expiry month of the card.
card.transaction_reference The that origin the addition of the card (only if it was sent to review, by the anti-fraud system, null otherwise).
card.type Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.number The last four digits of the card.

Delete a Card

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
   "card": {
        "token": "2293795539132514250"
    "user": {
        "id": "4"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "message": "card deleted"

This endpoint delete a Card related to a user

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
card.token String Yes Card Identifier. This code is unique among all cards. Format: Long Integer. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application.

Init a Reference

This is an example of basic request for init reference

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
      "description":"Jhon Doe",
      "dev_reference":"Jhon Doe Buying",
}' ''

This is an example of request with all parameters for init reference

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
            "name":"Testing product",
            "name":"Testing name",
      "description":"Jhon Doe",
      "dev_reference":"Jhon Doe Buying",
          "logo": "",
          "primary_color": "#00BF84",
          "secondary_color": "#545454"
      "street":"Calle 1 Sur",
      "additional_address_info":"Casa 53"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:


This endpoint is used for initialize a reference for checkout.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
locale String Yes User's preferred language (es, en, pt). English will be used by default.
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash.
antifraud Json No Object with antifraud data, see the specification of antifraud.
order.amount Number Yes Amount to debit. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes Description of the order to be purchase. Format: (Maximum Length 250)
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in product cost. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.dev_reference String Yes Merchant order reference. You will identify this purchase using this reference.
order.installments_type Number No Only available for Ecuador and Mexico. See the valid values
conf Json No Object with data for conf , see the specification for conf.
billing_address Json No Object with the billing address, see the specification of address. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format.
Parameter Description
checkout_url Checkout URL, use for render checkout
reference Reference, use for render checkout, is required a reference for render.

Data for conf

Required from conf, when integration is API
Parameter Type Required Description
conf.allowed_card_brands String No Allowed card brands to this operation. See the valid options
conf.allowed_card_types String No Allowed card types
conf.invalid_card_type_message String No Define a custom message to show for invalid card types.
conf.theme JSON No Data for custom checkout color's

Debit with token

Base Case

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
    "order": {
        "amount": 99.0,
        "description": "pozole",
        "dev_reference": "referencia",
        "vat": 0.00
    "card": {
        "token": "2293795539132514250",
        "cvc": "123"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2017-09-26T21:00:47",
    "amount": 11.1,
    "authorization_code": "088428",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": "Operation Successful",
    "carrier_code": "6",
    "id": "CI-489",
    "status_detail": 3,
    "installments_type": "Revolving credit",
    "payment_method_type": "0",
    "product_description": "pozole"
  "card": {
    "bin": "450700",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "CI-489",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "6651",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"

This is an example of response for 3DS 2 with objects for authentication:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "failure",
    "payment_date": null,
    "amount": 11.1,
    "authorization_code": null,
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": null,
    "carrier_code": null,
    "id": "RB-5969",
    "status_detail": 37
  "card": {
    "bin": "401600",
    "status": "",
    "token": "",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "RB-5969",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "0051",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"
  "3ds": {
    "sdk_response": {
      "acs_trans_id": "00000000-0005-5a5a-8000-016ab2e4246c",
      "acs_signed_content": null,
      "acs_reference_number": "JCB0002"
    "authentication": {
      "status": "U",
      "return_message": "U-status/Challenge authentication via ACS: ",
      "version": null,
      "xid": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAyMDg=",
      "reference_id": "ffffffff-9002-51a3-8000-0000000345a2",
      "cavv": null,
      "return_code": "5",
      "eci": null
    "browser_response": {
      "hidden_iframe": "",
      "challenge_request": ""

This endpoint creates a debit transaction with a stored credit card. If you want to debit with 3D Secure 2 authentication. You will need to include extra_params in the request, that are used for authentication (See objects for authentication)

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash.
order.amount Number Yes Amount to debit. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes Description of the order to be purchase. Format: (Maximum Length 250)
order.dev_reference String Yes Merchant order reference. You will identify this purchase using this reference.
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in product cost. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.installments Number No The number of installments for the payment, only for COP, MXN, BRL, PEN, CLP and USD (Ecuador).
order.installments_type Number No Only available for Ecuador and Mexico. See the valid values
order.taxable_amount Number No Only available for Ecuador and Colombia. The taxable amount is the total amount of all taxable items excluding tax. If not sent, it's calculated on the total. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.tax_percentage Number No Only available for Ecuador and Colombia. The tax rate to be applied to this order. For Ecuador should be 0 or 12.
order.months_grace Number No Only available for Mexico and Ecuador (Medianet), the number of months of grace for a deferred payment. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application.
user.first_name String No User name.
user.last_name String No User last name. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format. String No Buyer phone.
user.ip_address String No User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
user.fiscal_number String No The fiscal number given by the buyer Note: For card types ex, ak, vr, sx, ol, ep and cd this field is mandatory.
card.token String No Card Identifier. This code is unique among all cards. Format: Long Integer.
card.cvc String No The credit card security number.
wallet.type String No Type of wallet, the valid are : 'VisaCheckout', 'Masterpass' and 'CyberSource'.
wallet.key String No The id of the wallet (either callid, transactionId or subscriptionID ).
extra_params Json No Optional params (3DS 2 objects included) used for some commerce in Json format. Please contact your commercial executive for more details.
Parameter Description
transaction.status Could be success, failure or pending.
transaction.payment_date If staging environment the date will be in UTC, otherwise will depend on carrier.
transaction.amount The amount of the transaction.
transaction.authorization_code If success the authorization code responded from carrier.
transaction.installments The number of installments for the payment.
transaction.dev_reference Merchant order reference.
transaction.message The returned message from carrier or fraud analysis system.
transaction.carrier_code The returned code from carrier. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
transaction.status_detail The status detail of the transaction, for more information status detail
transaction.installments_type Only available for Ecuador and Mexico. See the valid values
transaction.payment_method_type Payment method of the transaction, type string. For more information payment_method_types
transaction.product_description Order description.
transaction.trace_number Only available for Ecuador and Mexico.
transaction.lot_number Only available for Ecuador.
card.bin The BIN of the card (First six digits of the card).
card.expiry_year The expiry year of the card.
card.expiry_month The expiry month of the card.
card.transaction_reference If any, the
card.type Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.number The last four digits of the card.
card.origin The origin of the credit card. Could be one of the following: ViComm, VisaCheckout, Masterpass.

In case of transactions that were authenticated with 3DS 2, the response will include:

Parameter Description
3ds.sdk_response.acs_trans_id Transaction ID from ACS.
3ds.sdk_response.acs_signed_content Signed content from ACS.
3ds.sdk_response.acs_reference_number ACS reference number.
3ds.authentication.status Authentication status, could be: "Y", "N", "U", "A", "R", "C" or "-" if value not available due errors or not enrolled, for more information authentication_status.
3ds.authentication.xid Transaction identifier sent to MPI.
3ds.authentication.return_code Returned code from MPI, that provides all the information that is needed to determine how to manage the transaction, for more information return code mpi
3ds.authentication.eci Electronic Commerce Indicator, with visa cards, the value to be passed in Authorization message.
3ds.authentication.return_message Description of the return_code.
3ds.authentication.version 3DS message version used.
3ds.authentication.cavv Cardholder Authentication Verification Value, determined by ACS. Format: base64
3ds.authentication.reference_id DS Transaction Id.
3ds.browser_response.challenge_request If cardholder was enrolled and or challenge authentication requested, payment page application must redirects the user browser to the ACS. If this field is not empty, it will contain the html to redirect.
3ds.browser_response.hidden_iframe If this field is not empty, the content should be render into an intermediate page into an invisible iframe and wait about 5 seconds.
3ds.service The name of the MPI that has authenticated the transaction.
Objects for authentication

Before perform a payment whether through a debit with token, a debit with card or an authorization, it is possible to first perform a 3D Secure authentication, sending this objects in extra_params:

Object name Description
threeDS2_data If authentication will be performed directly in debit/authorization this object is required.
browser_info Required for device_type browser.
auth_data Use this object if you performed the authentication first.
risk_indicator Additional risk fields for 3DS 2. Include this in your request whenever available.
Parameter Type Required Description
extra_params.threeDS2_data.term_url String Yes Merchant page url, where ACS will post (via user browser) CRes message after authentication.
extra_params.threeDS2_data.device_type String Yes Device type. Valid strings: browser, SDK.
extra_params.threeDS2_data.process_anyway Boolean No Process anyway, ie. no matter the result of the authentication, perform the debit/authorize. If not provided default false.
extra_params.threeDS2_data.reference_id String Yes* Mandatory only for MPI CyberSource, the id used to build the jwt sent in the init method in front end.
extra_params.browser_info.ip String C User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
extra_params.browser_info.language String C Language of the browser.
extra_params.browser_info.java_enabled Boolean C If java is enabled in the browser.
extra_params.browser_info.js_enabled Boolean C If Java Script is enabled in the browser.
extra_params.browser_info.color_depth Number C Color depth of the browser.
extra_params.browser_info.screen_height Number C Screen height of the browser.
extra_params.browser_info.screen_width Number C Screen width of the browser.
extra_params.browser_info.timezone_offset Number C Time Zone Offset.
extra_params.browser_info.user_agent String C User agent.
extra_params.browser_info.accept_header String C Accept header.
extra_params.auth_data.cavv String Yes Cardholder Authentication Verification Value, determined by ACS. Format: base64
extra_params.auth_data.xid String No Transaction identifier sent to MPI.
extra_params.auth_data.eci String Yes Electronic Commerce Indicator, with visa cards, the value to be passed in Authorization message.
extra_params.auth_data.version String Yes 3DS message version used.
extra_params.auth_data.reference_id UUID Yes DS Transaction Id.
extra_params.auth_data.status String Yes Authentication status, could be: "Y", "N", "U", "A", "R" or "C", for more information authentication_status

This is an example of request with Billing Address Object:

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "1234567890123"
        "amount": 11.1,
        "description": "una paleta",
        "vat": 0,
        "dev_reference": "referencia",
        "installments": 4
    "card": {
        "number": "4456530000001047",
        "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
        "expiry_month": 12,
        "expiry_year": 2024,
        "cvc": "123",
        "type": "vi"
     "billing_address": {
        "street": "Street Test",
        "house_number": "24",
        "city": "ciudad de mexico",
        "zip": "67890",
        "state": "DF",
        "country": "MEX",
        "district": "colonia",
        "additional_address_info": ""
    "extra_params": {
        "threeDS2_data": {
            "term_url": "",
            "device_type": "browser",
            "reference_id": "2"
        "browser_info": {
            "ip": "",
            "language": "en-US",
            "java_enabled": false,
            "js_enabled": true,
            "color_depth": 24,
            "screen_height": 1200,
            "screen_width": 1920,
            "timezone_offset": 0,
            "user_agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/70.0.3538.110 Safari\/537.36",
            "accept_header": "text/html"
}' ''

In case you are sending the billing or shipping address, this is the Json Object Format:

Parameter Type Required Description
first_name String No Address owner name
last_name String No Address owner last name
street String No The name of the street.
city String No The city, max length of 50 characters.
state String No The state: ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code in case of 3DS authentication, free format otherwise
district String No The district.
zip String No The zip or postal code. Max length allowed of 50 characters.
house_number String No The house number
country String No Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format, for example: COL, MEX, ECU.
additional_address_info String No Additional address info, without format.
Installments Type

The installments type are only available for Ecuador and Mexico. For this countries if you send installments, then the installments_type are mandatory. The valid values are:

Type Description
0 Revolving credit (rotativo).
1 Revolving and deferred without interest (The bank will pay to the commerce the installment, month by month).
2 Deferred with interest.
3 Deferred without interest.
7 Deferred with interest and months of grace.
6 Deferred without interest pay month by month. (*)
9 Deferred without interest and months of grace.
10 Deferred without interest promotion bimonthly. (*)
21 For Diners Club exclusive, deferred with and without interest.
22 For Diners Club exclusive, deferred with and without interest.
30 Deferred with interest pay month by month. (*)
50 Deferred without interest promotions (Supermaxi). (*)
51 Deferred with interest (Cuota fácil). (*)
52 Without interest (Rendecion Produmillas). (*)
53 Without interest sale with promotions. (*)
70 Deferred special without interest. (*)
72 Credit without interest (cte smax). (*)
73 Special credit without interest (smax). (*)
74 Prepay without interest (smax). (*)
75 Deffered credit without interest (smax). (*)
90 Without interest with months of grace (Supermaxi). (*)

Split payment

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "11",
        "email": ""
    "order": {
        "amount": 19000,
        "description": "RBM-TES",
        "dev_reference": "11372",
        "vat": 0.0,
        "installments": 1
    "card": {
        "token": "4813322119168991180"
    "extra_params": {
        "split": {
            "transactions": [
                    "application_code": "App2",
                    "installments": 1,
                    "amount": 10000
                    "application_code": "App1",
                    "installments": 1,
                    "amount": 9000
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2020-01-28T21:09:55.424",
    "amount": 19000.0,
    "authorization_code": "615246",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "11372",
    "message": "Aprobado",
    "carrier_code": "00",
    "id": "RB-37",
    "status_detail": 3
  "split": {
    "transactions": [
        "installments": 1,
        "amount": 10000.0,
        "id": "RB-37-1",
        "application_code": "App2",
        "authorization_code": "615246"
        "installments": 1,
        "amount": 9000.0,
        "id": "RB-37-2",
        "application_code": "App1",
        "authorization_code": "580705"
  "card": {
    "bin": "377813",
    "status": "valid",
    "token": "6837968442995217183",
    "expiry_year": "2021",
    "expiry_month": "3",
    "transaction_reference": "RB-37",
    "type": "ax",
    "number": "9063",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"

This endpoint is used to make payments that enables to split the order amount between different applications (Available only for Colombia).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash.
order.amount Number Yes Total amount to pay. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes The order description.
order.dev_reference String Yes Id from commerce to identify the order.
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in product cost. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.installments Number No The number of installments for the payment, only for COP, MXN, BRL, PEN, CLP and USD (Ecuador). String Yes Buyer identifier. String Yes Buyer email registered to order. String No Numero de teléfono del comprador.
user.ip_address String No User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
user.fiscal_number String No The fiscal number given by the buyer Note: For card types ex, ak, vr, sx, ol, ep and cd this field is mandatory.
card.token String Yes Card Identifier. This code is unique among all cards. Format: Long Integer.
extra_params Json Yes Required params to generate a split transaction See split params
Split params
Parameter Type Required Description
split.transactions Array Yes Array with the information of how the payment will be divided (commerce/amounts)
split.transactions.application_code String Yes Application that has the account to which a partial amount will be sent
split.transactions.amount Number Yes Partial amount of payment
split.transactions.installments Number Yes The number of installments for the partial amount
Split response
Parameter Description
transaction.status Could be success, failure, pending, expired or canceled.
transaction.payment_date If staging environment the date will be in UTC, otherwise will depend on carrier.
transaction.amount The amount of the transaction.
transaction.authorization_code If success the authorization code responded from carrier.
transaction.installments The number of installments for the payment.
transaction.dev_reference Merchant order reference.
transaction.message The returned message from carrier or fraud analysis system.
transaction.carrier_code The returned code from carrier. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
transaction.status_detail The status detail of the transaction, for more information status detail
card.bin The BIN of the card (First six digits of the card).
card.expiry_year The expiry year of the card.
card.expiry_month The expiry month of the card.
card.transaction_reference If any, the
card.type Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.number The last four digits of the card.
card.origin The origin of the credit card. Could be one of the following: ViComm, VisaCheckout, Masterpass.
split.transactions Array containing authorized transactions on split payment
split.transactions.application_code Application that corresponds to that payment
split.transactions.amount Partial amount of the total order Transaction identifier of split payment
split.transactions.installments The number of installments for the partial amount
split.transactions.authorization_code Split transaction authorization code

Debit with QR

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "11",
        "email": "",
        "fiscal_number": "1111111111",
        "phone": "111112222333"
    "order": {
        "amount": 123,
        "description": "Product Description",
        "dev_reference": "nnnnn",
        "vat": 0
    "card": {
        "token": "1111222233334444555",
    "extra_params": {
        "qr_data": {
            "complete_info": {
                "is_new": false,
                "qr_type": "DINAMICO",
                "data_amount": {
                    "base_amount": 123,
                    "inc": 0,
                    "iva": 0,
                    "tip": 0,
                    "total_amount": 123,
                    "transaction_amount": 123
                "qr_entity": {
                    "address": "my address",
                    "country_code": null,
                    "crc": null,
                    "max_inc_percentage": "0.0",
                    "max_iva_percentage": "0.0",
                    "merchant_category_code": null,
                    "merchant_city": null,
                    "merchant_name": "Product Description",
                    "merchant_account_information_c": {
                        "id_acquirer": null,
                        "unique_code_merchant": "1111112222",
                        "unique_code_merchant_agree": null
                    "merchant_additional_data_c": {
                        "id_acquirer": null,
                        "bill_number": null,
                        "customer_label": null,
                        "loyalty_number": null,
                        "mobile_number": null,
                        "purpose_of_transaction": null,
                        "reference_label": null,
                        "store_label": null,
                        "terminal_label": "XXXXYYY12"
                    "merchant_a_unreserved_c": {
                        "base_iva": "0",
                        "channel": "DA",
                        "condition_inc": "N",
                        "condition_iva": "N",
                        "condition_tax_one": null,
                        "condition_tax_two": null,
                        "consecutive_transaction": "4321",
                        "security_field": null,
                        "tax_one": null,
                        "tax_two": null,
                        "value_inc": "0",
                        "value_iva": "0"
                    "merchant_information_languaje_c": {
                        "language_preference": null,
                        "merchant_city_alternate_language": null,
                        "merchant_name_alternate_language": null
                    "payload_format_indicator": null,
                    "point_of_initiation_method": "D",
                    "postal_code": null,
                    "tip_or_convenience_indicator": "N",
                    "total_amount": "123",
                    "transaction_amount": "123",
                    "transaction_currency": null,
                    "value_of_convenience_fee_fixed": "0",
                    "value_of_convenience_fee_percentage": "0.0"
}' ''

This endpoint creates a debit transaction with a QR code, only for Colombia (COP).

This is a solution that allow to pay throw a QR code generated in the dataphone or mobile application that is scaned from the mobile wallet of the client.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash.
order.amount Number Yes Total amount to pay. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes The order description.
order.dev_reference String Yes Id from commerce to identify the order.
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in product cost. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.installments Number No The number of installments for the payment, only for COP, MXN, BRL, PEN, CLP and USD (Ecuador). String Yes Buyer identifier. String Yes Buyer email registered to order. String No Numero de teléfono del comprador.
user.ip_address String No User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
user.fiscal_number String No The fiscal number given by the buyer Note: For card types ex, ak, vr, sx, ol, ep and cd this field is mandatory.
user.fiscal_number_type String No Fiscal number type
card.token String Yes Card Identifier. This code is unique among all cards. Format: Long Integer.
card.account_type String No The corresponding values for: Credit, Checking and Savings accounts are: C, R and A respectively.
extra_params.qr_data Json Yes Json returned in the SDK.

See Objects in response

Debit with credit card

Base Case

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
        "amount": 11.1,
        "description": "una paleta",
        "vat": 0,
        "dev_reference": "referencia"
    "card": {
        "number": "4507000397186651",
        "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
        "expiry_month": 9,
        "expiry_year": 2020,
        "cvc": "123",
        "type": "vi"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2017-10-12T21:07:22",
    "amount": 11.1,
    "authorization_code": "472921",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": "Operation Successful",
    "carrier_code": "6",
    "id": "CI-507",
    "status_detail": 3,
    "installments_type": "Revolving credit",
    "product_description": "una paleta",
    "payment_method_type": "0"
  "card": {
    "bin": "450700",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "CI-507",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "6651",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"

An example of request with extra_params:

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
        "amount": 11.1,
        "description": "una paleta",
        "vat": 0,
        "dev_reference": "referencia"
    "card": {
        "number": "4507000397186651",
        "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
        "expiry_month": 9,
        "expiry_year": 2020,
        "cvc": "123",
        "type": "vi"
    "extra_params": {
        "config_01": "value_01",
        "config_02": {"name_01": "name_v01"}
}' ''

This is an example of request making the request with 3ds 2 objects for authentication:

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
        "amount": 11.1,
        "description": "una paleta",
        "vat": 0,
        "dev_reference": "referencia"
    "card": {
        "number": "4507000397186651",
        "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
        "expiry_month": 9,
        "expiry_year": 2020,
        "cvc": "123",
        "type": "vi"
    "extra_params": {
        "threeDS2_data": {
            "term_url": "",
            "device_type": "browser",
            "process_anyway": false
        "browser_info": {
            "ip": "",
            "language": "en-US",
            "java_enabled": false,
            "js_enabled": true,
            "color_depth": 24,
            "screen_height": 1200,
            "screen_width": 1920,
            "timezone_offset": 0,
            "user_agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/70.0.3538.110 Safari\/537.36",
            "accept_header": "text/html"

}' ''

This endpoint creates a debit transaction with a credit card.

If you want to debit with 3D Secure 2 authentication. You will need to include extra_params in the request, that are used for authentication (See objects for authentication)

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash.
order.amount Number Yes Amount to debit. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes Description of the order to be purchase. Format: (Maximum Length 250)
order.dev_reference String Yes Merchant order reference. You will identify this purchase using this reference.
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in product cost. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.installments Number No The number of installments for the payment, only for COP, MXN, BRL, PEN, CLP and USD (Ecuador).
order.installments_type Number No Only available for Ecuador and Mexico. See the valid values
order.taxable_amount Number No Only available for Ecuador and Colombia. The taxable amount is the total amount of all taxable items excluding tax. If not sent, it's calculated on the total. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.tax_percentage Number No Only available for Ecuador and Colombia. The tax rate to be applied to this order. For Ecuador should be 0 or 12.
order.months_grace Number No Only available for Mexico and Ecuador (Medianet), the number of months of grace for a deferred payment. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application.
user.first_name String No User name.
user.last_name String No User last name. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format. String No Buyer phone.
user.ip_address String No User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
user.fiscal_number String No The fiscal number given by the buyer Note: For card types ex, ak, vr, sx, ol, ep and cd this field is mandatory.
card.number String Yes A valid credit card number.
card.holder_name String Yes The credit card holder name.
card.expiry_month Number Yes The credit card expiry month.
card.expiry_year Number Yes The credit card expiry year.
card.cvc String Yes The credit card security number.
card.type String No Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
extra_params Json No Optional params (3DS 2 objects included) used for some commerce in Json format. Please contact your commercial executive for more details.
billing_address Json No Object with the billing address, see the specification of address.
<!-- Number No Amount to be discounted. This field is informative only, doesn't affect the final amount. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits. -->

See Objects in response

Split payment

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "11",
        "email": ""
    "order": {
        "amount": 19000,
        "description": "Split TEST",
        "vat": 0,
        "dev_reference": "117"
    "card": {
        "number": "4276981328765847",
        "holder_name": "Leidy Cruz",
        "expiry_month": 12,
        "expiry_year": 2022,
        "cvc": "355"
     "extra_params": {
        "split": {
            "transactions": [
                    "application_code": "APP_1",
                    "installments": 1,
                    "amount": 10000
                    "application_code": "APP_2",
                    "installments": 1,
                    "amount": 9000
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "transaction": {
        "status": "success",
        "payment_date": "2021-02-09T15:58:00.272",
        "amount": 19000.0,
        "authorization_code": "845889",
        "installments": 1,
        "dev_reference": "117",
        "message": "Aprobado",
        "carrier_code": "00",
        "id": "RB-7",
        "status_detail": 3
    "split": {
        "size": 2,
        "transactions": [
                "installments": 1,
                "amount": 10000.0,
                "id": "RB-7-1",
                "application_code": "APP_1",
                "authorization_code": "845889"
                "installments": 1,
                "amount": 9000.0,
                "id": "RB-7-2",
                "application_code": "APP_2",
                "authorization_code": "152244"
    "card": {
        "bin": "427698",
        "expiry_year": "2022",
        "expiry_month": "12",
        "transaction_reference": "RB-7",
        "type": "vi",
        "number": "5847",
        "origin": "ORIGIN"

This endpoint is used to make payments that enables to split the order amount between different applications (Available only for Colombia).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash.
order.amount Number Yes Total amount to pay. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes The order description.
order.dev_reference String Yes Id from commerce to identify the order.
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in product cost. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.installments Number No The number of installments for the payment, only for COP, MXN, BRL, PEN, CLP and USD (Ecuador). String Yes Buyer identifier. String Yes Buyer email registered to order. String No Numero de teléfono del comprador.
user.ip_address String No User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
user.fiscal_number String No The fiscal number given by the buyer Note: For card types ex, ak, vr, sx, ol, ep and cd this field is mandatory.
card.number String Yes A valid credit card number.
card.holder_name String Yes The credit card holder name.
card.expiry_month Number Yes The credit card expiry month.
card.expiry_year Number Yes The credit card expiry year.
card.cvc String Yes The credit card security number.
card.type String No Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
extra_params Json Yes Required params to generate a split transaction See split params
Split params
Parameter Type Required Description
split.transactions Array Yes Array with the information of how the payment will be divided (commerce/amounts)
split.transactions.application_code String Yes Application that has the account to which a partial amount will be sent
split.transactions.amount Number Yes Partial amount of payment
split.transactions.installments Number Yes The number of installments for the partial amount
Split response
Parameter Description
transaction.status Could be success, failure, pending, expired or canceled.
transaction.payment_date If staging environment the date will be in UTC, otherwise will depend on carrier.
transaction.amount The amount of the transaction.
transaction.authorization_code If success the authorization code responded from carrier.
transaction.installments The number of installments for the payment.
transaction.dev_reference Merchant order reference.
transaction.message The returned message from carrier or fraud analysis system.
transaction.carrier_code The returned code from carrier. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
transaction.status_detail The status detail of the transaction, for more information status detail
card.bin The BIN of the card (First six digits of the card).
card.expiry_year The expiry year of the card.
card.expiry_month The expiry month of the card.
card.transaction_reference If any, the
card.type Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.number The last four digits of the card.
card.origin The origin of the credit card. Could be one of the following: ViComm, VisaCheckout, Masterpass.
split.transactions Array containing authorized transactions on split payment
split.transactions.application_code Application that corresponds to that payment
split.transactions.amount Partial amount of the total order Transaction identifier of split payment
split.transactions.installments The number of installments for the partial amount
split.transactions.authorization_code Split transaction authorization code


Case a) sending only the card.token

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
    "order": {
        "dev_reference": "referencia",
        "amount": 99.0,
        "description": "pozole",
        "vat": 0.00
    "card": {
        "token": "6221308792087238335"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2017-09-26T21:03:04",
    "amount": 99.0,
    "authorization_code": "148177",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": "Operation Successful",
    "carrier_code": "4",
    "id": "CI-490",
    "status_detail": 0
  "card": {
    "bin": "453254",
    "status": "valid",
    "token": "10135134879450157925",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "CI-490",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "8311",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"

Case b) sending all the information of the card (pci commerce)

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
    "order": {
        "dev_reference": "referencia",
        "amount": 99.0,
        "description": "pozole",
        "vat": 0.00
    "card": {
            "number": "4507000397186651",
            "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
            "expiry_month": 9,
            "expiry_year": 2020,
            "cvc": "123",
            "type": "vi"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2017-09-26T21:02:04",
    "amount": 99.0,
    "authorization_code": "148177",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": "Operation Successful",
    "carrier_code": "4",
    "id": "CI-491",
    "status_detail": 0
  "card": {
    "bin": "450700",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "CI-491",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "6651"

This endpoint send for authorization a transaction of Credit Card (Only for Cielo (BRL), Prosa (MXN) Procesos and Visanet (PEN))

If you want to authorize with 3D Secure 2 authentication, there are two possible ways:

  1. Direct authorization with Global Payments ViComm. This will include extra params in the request, that are used for authentication (See objects for authentication)

  2. By Performing a 3D Secure 2 authentication calling the proper endpoint Authentication 3DS 2 section, before calling the authorize.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
session_id String No Fraud related parameter. 32-length numeric hash.
order.amount Number Yes Amount to debit. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes Description of the order to be purchase. Format: (Maximum Length 250)
order.dev_reference String Yes Merchant order reference. You will identify this purchase using this reference.
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in product cost. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.installments Number No The number of installments for the payment, only for COP, MXN, BRL, PEN, CLP and USD (Ecuador).
order.installments_type Number No Only available for Ecuador and Mexico. See the valid values
order.months_grace Number No Only available for Mexico and Ecuador (Medianet), the number of months of grace for a deferred payment. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application.
user.first_name String No User name.
user.last_name String No User last name. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format. String No Buyer phone.
user.ip_address String No User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
card.token String No (*) Card Identifier. This code is unique among all cards. Format: Long Integer.
card.number String No A valid credit card number.
card.holder_name String No (*) The credit card holder name.
card.expiry_month Number No (*) The credit card expiry month.
card.expiry_year Number No (*) The credit card expiry year.
card.cvc String No (*) The credit card security number.
card.type String No (*) Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
extra_params Json No Optional params (3DS 2 objects included) used for some commerce in Json format. Please contact your commercial executive for more details.
billing_address Json No Object with the billing address, see the specification of address.
<!-- Number No Amount to be discounted. This field is informative only, doesn't affect the final amount. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits. -->

See Objects in response


curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "id": "CI-325"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2017-09-26T21:03:04",
    "amount": 99.0,
    "authorization_code": "148177",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": "Operation Successful",
    "carrier_code": "6",
    "id": "CI-490",
    "status_detail": 3
  "card": {
    "bin": "453254",
    "status": "valid",
    "token": "10135134879450157925",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "CI-490",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "8311"

This endpoint capture an authorized transaction (Only for Cielo (BRL), Prosa (MXN) Procesos and VisaNet (PEN))

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description String Yes Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
order.amount Number No The order amount to capture, could be greater o lower than original (Prosa MXN), or only lower (Cielo, BRL Procesos and VisaNet (PEN)). Format: Decimal with two fraction digits. If not provided, the full amount of the original authorize will be captured.

See Objects in response


curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4"
    "transaction": {
        "id": "CI-316"
    "type": "BY_AMOUNT",
    "value": "99.99"

}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "status": 1,
  "payment_date": "2017-09-26T21:16:00",
  "amount": 99.0,
  "transaction_id": "CI-491",
  "status_detail": 3,
  "message": ""

In case of more_info = true, this is an example:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "failure",
    "payment_date": null,
    "amount": 11.1,
    "authorization_code": null,
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": null,
    "carrier_code": null,
    "id": "RB-5969",
    "status_detail": 37
  "card": {
    "bin": "401600",
    "status": "",
    "token": "",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "RB-5969",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "0051",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"
  "3ds": {
    "sdk_response": {
      "acs_trans_id": "00000000-0005-5a5a-8000-016ab2e4246c",
      "acs_signed_content": null,
      "acs_reference_number": "JCB0002"
    "authentication": {
      "status": "U",
      "return_message": "U-status/Challenge authentication via ACS: ",
      "version": null,
      "xid": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAyMDg=",
      "reference_id": "ffffffff-9002-51a3-8000-0000000345a2",
      "cavv": null,
      "return_code": "5",
      "eci": null
    "browser_response": {
      "hidden_iframe": "",
      "challenge_request": ""

After have been performed a transaction, whether through an add card, a debit with token, a debit with card or an authorization, if the response transaction status is pending, this end point should be posted after that.

Sometimes an add card or debit transaction would need to be verified with a code from the financial entity that charges the card. Another case that needs verification is when the card issuer send a OTP to the user in order to continue with the transaction, or after the buyer have been challenged in a 3DS 2 transaction.

When the buyer gets the verification code from his bank, or when the buyer obtain the SMS with the OTP, or when the merchant gets the result of the challenge response, its possible to verify the operation making a request to:

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description String Yes Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application.
type String Yes The type of value that is going to be sent in the request. Valid strings "BY_AMOUNT", "BY_AUTH_CODE", "BY_OTP", "BY_CRES" and "AUTHENTICATION_CONTINUE".
value String Yes Could be the authorization code provided by the financial entity to the buyer, the transaction amount, the One Time Password (OTP), the Challenge Response (CRES), or empty string in case of AUTHENTICATION_CONTINUE.
more_info Boolean No true or false to determine if the response will include more info about the transaction.
Parameter Description
status The status of the transaction, for more information status detail
payment_date If staging environment the date will be in UTC, otherwise will depend on carrier.
amount The amount of the transaction.
transaction_id Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
status_detail The status detail of the transaction, for more information status detail
message If the type of verification was "BY_OTP", the response message in case of failure.

If you send more_info with value true: See Objects in response

Currency Amount
COP 256
CRC 256
CLP 256
USD 2.56
BRL 2.56
PEN 2.56
SGD 2.56
MXN 25.6
HNL 25.6
NIO 25.6
UYU 25.6
ARS 128


curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "id": "CI-311"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "status": "success",
  "detail": "Completed"

Example of refund with partial amount

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "id": "CI-311"
    "order": {
        "amount": 11.10
}' ''

Example of request with reference_label. For QR Colombia only.

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "reference_label": 1234567891011141618
}' ''

Example of request, with param 'more_info'

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "id": "PR-11"
    "order": {
        "amount": 8.00
    "more_info": true
}' ''

Example of response with more info

  "status": "success",
  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2020-02-11T00:39:58.477",
    "authorization_code": "TEST00",
    "refund_amount": 8.0,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "carrier_code": null,
    "status_detail": 34,
    "amount": 11.1,
    "installments": 1,
    "message": "Reverse by mock",
    "id": "PR-11"
  "detail": "Completed partial refunded with 8.0",
  "card": {
    "bin": "400000",
    "status": "",
    "token": "",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "9",
    "transaction_reference": "PR-11",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "0077",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"

This endpoint is used to refund a transaction

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description String Yes (*) Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
transaction.reference_label Number Yes (*) Only for QR Colombia. ID Reference for a QR transaction.
order.amount Number No The order amount to refund. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits. If not provided, the full amount of the transaction. Works with Cielo (BRL), Prosa (MXN), Credibanco and Redeban (COP) (**).
more_info Boolean No true or false to determine if the response will include more info about the transaction.
Parameter Description
status Could be one of the following: success, pending or failure
detail If success could be Completed or Completed partial refunded with NN.NN where NN.NN is the amount of the partial refund. If failure could be Error: Not completed, Transaction already refunded or Invalid Status. If pending, Waiting gateway confirmation or Waiting gateway confirmation for partial refund with NN.NN.


curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "id": "PR-11"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "success",
    "payment_date": "2022-08-11T18:52:32",
    "amount": 99.0,
    "authorization_code": "148177",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "referencia",
    "message": "Operation Successful",
    "carrier_code": null,
    "id": "PR-11",
    "status_detail": 29
  "card": {
    "bin": "453254",
    "status": "valid",
    "token": "10135134879450157925",
    "expiry_year": "2025",
    "expiry_month": "10",
    "transaction_reference": "PR-11",
    "type": "vi",
    "number": "8311"

This endpoint cancels an authorized transaction (Prosa (MXN))

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description String Yes (*) Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.

See Objects in response

Transaction Info

curl -k  -L -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token'

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "transaction": {
    "status": "pending",
    "payment_date": "2018-01-26T23:49:51.100Z",
    "amount": 10,
    "authorization_code": "",
    "installments": 1,
    "dev_reference": "",
    "status_detail": 0,
    "carrier_code": "",
    "message": "",
    "id": ""
  "card": {
    "bin": "400552",
    "holder_name": "First Dev",
    "number": "4821",
    "expiry_year": "2020",
    "expiry_month": "12",
    "type": "vi",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"

This endpoint is used to obtain transaction info

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
transaction_id String Yes Global Payments ViComm transaction_id
Parameter Description
transaction.status Could be success, failure, pending, expired or canceled.
transaction.payment_date If staging environment the date will be in UTC, otherwise will depend on carrier.
transaction.amount The amount of the transaction.
transaction.authorization_code If success the authorization code responded from carrier.
transaction.installments The number of installments for the payment.
transaction.dev_reference Merchant order reference.
transaction.message The returned message from carrier or fraud analysis system.
transaction.carrier_code The returned code from carrier. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
transaction.status_detail The status detail of the transaction, for more information status detail
card.bin The BIN of the card (First six digits of the card).
card.expiry_year The expiry year of the card.
card.expiry_month The expiry month of the card.
card.transaction_reference If any, the
card.type Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.number The last four digits of the card.
card.origin The origin of the credit card. Could be one of the following: ViComm, VisaCheckout, Masterpass.

Card Brands


Card type Brand Logo
vi Visa
mc Mastercard
ax American Express
di Diners
dc Discover
ms Maestro


Card type Brand Logo
cn Carnet


In this platform, we can generate a payment link, which can be completed with any of the payment methods assigned to the access credentials.

Example of request to generate link.

curl --request POST
  --header 'auth-token: auth-token'
  --header 'content-type: application/json'
  --data '{
    "user": {
        "id": "117",
        "email": "",
        "name": "Gabriel",
        "last_name": "Cruz"
    "order": {
        "dev_reference": "1",
        "description": "Product description",
        "amount": 1000,
        "installments_type": 0,
        "currency": "COP"
    "configuration": {
        "partial_payment": true,
        "expiration_days": 1,
        "allowed_payment_methods": ["All"],
        "success_url": "",
        "failure_url": "",
        "pending_url": "",
        "review_url": ""

Example of request to generate a link with billing_address.

curl --request POST
  --header 'auth-token: auth-token'
  --header 'content-type: application/json'
  --data '{
    "user": {
        "id": "117",
        "email": "",
        "name": "Gabriel",
        "last_name": "Cruz"
    "order": {
        "dev_reference": "1",
        "description": "Product description",
        "amount": 1000,
        "installments_type": 0,
        "currency": "COP"
    "configuration": {
        "partial_payment": true,
        "expiration_days": 1,
        "allowed_payment_methods": ["Card"],
        "success_url": "",
        "failure_url": "",
        "pending_url": "",
        "review_url": ""
   "billing_address": {
         "street": "Calle 1 Sur",
         "city": "Chia",
         "country": "COL",
         "district": "Chia",
         "zip": "#5",
         "state": "CU",
         "house_number": "179",
         "additional_address_info": "Casa 53"

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

    "success": true,
    "detail": "Operation completed successfully.",
    "data": {
        "user": {
            "id": "117",
            "email": ""
        "order": {
            "id": "8REV4qMyevlR4xGm3OL",
            "status": "Init",
            "dev_reference": "1",
            "description": "Product description",
            "currency": "COP",
            "amount": 1000.0,
            "taxes": [
                    "type": "vat",
                    "amount": 0
                    "type": "inc",
                    "amount": 0
            "additional_amounts": [
                    "type": "tip",
                    "amount": 0
        "configuration": {
            "expiration_date": "2022-11-19 18:45:39",
            "partial_payment": true,
            "allowed_payment_methods": [
            "allow_retry": true
        "payment": {
            "payment_url": "",
            "payment_qr": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAZoAAAGaAQAAAAAefbjOAAADC0lEQVR4nO2cXa7aMBBGz9SReDRSF8BSzA7ukq66s2Q

To generate a link to pay, certain information is required, this allows to consume any payment method provided by Global Payments ViComm


Parameter Type Required Description String Yes Buyer identifier. Max length 250 characters. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format. Max length 250 characters. String Yes Buyer name. Max length 100 characters.
user.last_name String Yes Buyer name. Max length 100 characters.
user.fiscal_number_type String No Indicates the type of fiscal number (user identification).
user.fiscal_number String No Fiscal number (identification number) given by the user. Max length 100 characters.
order.dev_reference String Yes Id from commerce to identify the order. Max length 100 characters.
order.description String Yes The order description. Max length 250 characters.
order.amount Number Yes Total amount to pay. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.installments_type Number Yes Only available Ecuador and Mexico see the valid types. For the rest of the countries, 0 to allow installments, -1 otherwise. Only available to card payment method.
order.vat Number Yes Sales tax amount, included in order amount. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits. Number No National consumption tax, included in order amount. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.tip Number No Only available for pay with Qr code . Tip, not included in order amount. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.taxable_amount Number No Only available for Ecuador and Colombia. The taxable amount is the total amount of all taxable items excluding tax. If not sent, it's calculated on the total. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.tax_percentage Number No Only available for Ecuador and Colombia. The tax rate to be applied to this order. For Ecuador should be 0 or 12.
order.currency String Yes Order currency see the valid types.
configuration.partial_payment Boolean Yes Indicates if the partial payment is allowed.
configuration.expiration_days Number No(*) Number of days in which the link to pay expires.
configuration.expiration_time Number No(*) Time in seconds it will take for the link to pay to expire.
configuration.allowed_payment_methods Array (String) No Indicates allowed payment methods. 'All' is the default. See the valid types.
configuration.currency_exchange String No Currency in which the link to pay will be paid see the valid types.
configuration.success_url String Yes URL to redirect when transaction is success. (max 500)
configuration.failure_url String Yes URL to redirect when transaction is failure. (max 500)
configuration.pending_url String Yes URL to redirect when transaction is pending. (max 500)
configuration.review_url String Yes URL to redirect when transaction is in review. (max 500)
configuration.card.capture_cellphone Boolean No Indicates if it is required or not to ask for the phone number in card payment (By default is True).
billing_address.street String No The name of the street. String Yes The city, max length of 50 characters.
billing_address.state String No The state: ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code in case of 3DS authentication, free format otherwise
billing_address.district String No The district. String Yes The zip or postal code. Max length allowed of 50 characters.
billing_address.house_number String No The house number String Yes Country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format, for example: COL, MEX, ECU.
billing_address.additional_address_info String No Additional address info, without format.
Parameter Description Buyer identifier. Buyer email registered to order.
order.dev_reference Reference from commerce.
order.amount Total amount to pay.
order.description Order description.
configuration.expiration_date Date limit to pay.
configuration.partial_payment Indicates if the partial payment is allowed.
configuration.allowed_payment_methods Indicates allowed payment methods.
payment.payment_url Link To Pay, URL to do redirect.
payment.payment_qr Code Qr base64, URL to do redirect.

Allowed currencies:

Currency Country
COP Colombia
USD Ecuador, El Salvador, Panama
BRL Brazil
MXN Mexico
ARS Argentina
CLP Chile
PEN Peru
GTQ Guatemala
HNL Honduras
NIO Nicaragua
CRC Costa Rica

Allowed payment methods by country:

Key Description
All All payment methods
Card Only card payment method (All countries)
BankTransfer Only bank transfer method (Colombia)
Cash Only cash / reference payment method (Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador)
Colsubsidio Only colsubsidio for Colombia
EWallet Only E-wallet payment method (Colombia)
Qr Only Qr code payment method (Colombia)
Pix Only Pix (Qr code) payment method (Brazil)

Authentication 3DS 2

3D Secure 2 is the new generation of authentication technology introduced by EMVCo and major card schemes, providing an additional layer of verification on Card Not Present (CNP) transactions.

The goal is to reduce the risk of fraud without harming the conversion rate. This new version analyzes several variables used as a criteria to determine the cardholder authenticity, allowing in some cases decreased cardholder authentication interactions (challenges), without risking the merchant’s Liability Shift.

In 3D Secure 2, the authentication is performed within your app or payment form. The shopper's identity may be verified by using passive, biometric, and two-factor authentication approach. A transaction may go through a frictionless or a challenge authentication flow.

3D Secure 2 is supported by the following card schemes:

How it works

In 3D Secure 2, the browser flow and mobile flow are treated separately.

For the browser flow the steps are the following:

  1. The payment page places Global Payments ViComm input values into 3DS authenticate endpoint and post it.
  2. The MPI contacts directory and returns either final response, continue with authentication and perform 3DS method or finalized HTML redirect form with included formatted CReq message and ACS URL to the payment page application.
  3. If cardholder was enrolled and or challenge authentication requested, payment page application redirects the user browser to the ACS with posting the PAReq/CReq from acquired from MPI.
  4. ACS authenticates.
  5. Payment page application receives the Global Payments ViComm transaction id and CRes back from the ACS.
  6. Payment page application submits the ACS response CRes to Global Payments ViComm in the verify_auth endpoint.
  7. Global Payments ViComm return the result of the verification of the CRes.

For the SDK flow the steps are the following:

  1. The app collect the sdk_info needed and send to the commerce backend (SDK initialization / getSdkInfo). The commerce backed gather all the information an places input values into 3ds `authenticate endpoint and post it.
  2. The MPI contacts directory and returns either final response, or the information needed (sdk_response) to fulfill the challenge request.
  3. ACS authenticates.
  4. The app obtain the authentication result from the ACS.
  5. If authenticated the commerce backend submits the verify_auth endpoint to get the authentication result params.
  6. Global Payments ViComm return the result of the verification.


curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
        "amount": 11.10,
        "description": "una paleta",
        "dev_reference": "ref_123"
    "card": {
        "number": "4016000000002",
        "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
        "expiry_month": 9,
        "expiry_year": 2023,
        "type": "vi"
    "browser_info": {
        "ip": "",
        "language": "en-US",
        "java_enabled": false,
        "js_enabled": true,
        "color_depth": 24,
        "screen_height": 1200,
        "screen_width": 1920,
        "timezone_offset": 0,
        "user_agent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/70.0.3538.110 Safari\/537.36",
        "accept_header": "text/html"
    "term_url": "",
    "device_type": "browser"
}' ''

Example of app/sdk request:

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "user": {
        "id": "4",
        "email": ""
        "amount": 11.10,
        "description": "una paleta",
        "dev_reference": "ref_123"
    "card": {
        "number": "4016000000002",
        "holder_name": "citlali calderon",
        "expiry_month": 9,
        "expiry_year": 2023,
        "type": "vi"
    "sdk_info": {
        "trans_id": "a24a5d87-b1a1-4aef-a37b-2f30b91274e6",
        "reference_number": "3DSSDK74332823FF",
        "app_id": "a24a5d87-b1a1-4aef-a37b-2f30b91554e6",
        "enc_data": "....",
        "max_timeout": 5,
        "options_IF": 6,
        "options_UI": "01,02,03",
        "ephem_pub_key": "P-256;EC;Kq9_QSrfw_D089BefP2dqVW70BbqiWSb219zvk1Ch80;d4SwfWFPb5_fMUwElfk-CRSyJvzkh75yZhlSjVwyJjk"
    "term_url": "",
    "device_type": "SDK"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this: (case A)

  "authentication": {
    "status": "Y",
    "xid": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAxMDg=",
    "return_code": "1",
    "eci": "05",
    "return_message": "Authenticated",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "cavv": "QUNTRU1VOSJUQD9OSyc4Wmx7XXM=",
    "reference_id": "00000000-463b-5424-8000-000000033f52"
  "transaction": {
    "dev_reference": "ref_123",
    "id": "AU-108"
  "browser_response": {
    "challenge_request": "",
    "hidden_iframe": ""
  "sdk_response": {
    "acs_trans_id": "00000000-0005-5a5a-8000-016ab2e4246c",
    "acs_signed_content": null,
    "acs_reference_number": "JCB0002"
  "service": "nuvei"

The above request returns JSON structured like this: (case B)

  "authentication": {
    "status": "-",
    "xid": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAxMDc=",
    "return_code": "50",
    "eci": null,
    "return_message": "3DS method requested before enrollment",
    "version": null,
    "cavv": null,
    "reference_id": null
  "transaction": {
    "dev_reference": "ref_12",
    "id": "AU-107"
  "browser_response": {
    "challenge_request": "",
    "hidden_iframe": "<iframe>...</iframe><form>...</form><script type='text/javascript' xmlns=''>document.getElementById('tdsMmethodForm').submit();</script>"
  "sdk_response": {
    "acs_trans_id": "00000000-0005-5a5a-8000-016ab2e4246c",
    "acs_signed_content": null,
    "acs_reference_number": "JCB0002"
  "service": "modirum"

The above request returns JSON structured like this: (case C)

  "authentication": {
    "status": null,
    "xid": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAxMDk=",
    "return_code": "9",
    "eci": null,
    "return_message": "To be redirected to acs",
    "version": null,
    "cavv": null,
    "reference_id": null
  "transaction": {
    "dev_reference": "ref_1234",
    "id": "AU-109"
  "browser_response": {
    "challenge_request": "<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM 'about:legacy-compat'><html>.....</html>",
    "hidden_iframe": ""
  "sdk_response": {
    "acs_trans_id": "00000000-0005-5a5a-8000-016ab2e4246c",
    "acs_signed_content": null,
    "acs_reference_number": "JCB0002"
  "service": "nuvei"

This endpoint initiates the flow of authentication with 3DS 2

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
term_url String Yes Merchant page url, where ACS will post (via user browser) CRes message after authentication.
device_type String Yes Device type. Valid strings: browser, SDK. String Yes Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application. String Yes Buyer email, with valid e-mail format.
user.mobile_phone String No User mobile phone Format: 1-3 digits for country code - number. Example: 52-1234567890
user.home_phone String No User home phone Format: 1-3 digits for country code - number. Example: 52-1234567890
user.work_phone String No User work phone Format: 1-3 digits for country code - number. Example: 52-1234567890
order.amount Number Yes Amount to debit. Format: Decimal with two fraction digits.
order.description String Yes Description of the order to be purchase. Format: (Maximum Length 250)
order.dev_reference String Yes Merchant order reference. You will identify this purchase using this reference.
order.installments Number No The number of installments for the payment, only for COP, MXN, BRL, PEN, CLP and USD (Ecuador).
card.number String Yes A valid credit card number.
card.holder_name String Yes The credit card holder name.
card.expiry_month Number Yes The credit card expiry month.
card.expiry_year Number Yes The credit card expiry year.
card.type String Yes Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
browser_info.ip String No* User IP address. Valid v4 IP address.
browser_info.language String No* Language of the browser.
browser_info.java_enabled Boolean No* If java is enabled in the browser.
browser_info.js_enabled Boolean No* If Java Script is enabled in the browser.
browser_info.color_depth Number No* Color depth of the browser.
browser_info.screen_height Number No* Screen height of the browser.
browser_info.screen_width Number No* Screen width of the browser.
browser_info.timezone_offset Number No* Time Zone Offset.
browser_info.user_agent String No* User agent.
browser_info.accept_header String No* Accept header.
sdk_info.trans_id UUID N/R UUID generated in the mobile.
sdk_info.reference_number String N/R Reference number. Format: 1-32 characters.
sdk_info.app_id UUID N/R UUID of the app.
sdk_info.enc_data String N/R Encrypted data. Format: 1-64000 characters.
sdk_info.max_timeout Number N/R Maximum timeout. Format: greater than 5 less than 99
sdk_info.options_IF Number N/R Device render options interface. Format: greater than 0 less than 99
sdk_info.options_UI String N/R Device render options UI. Format: comma separated numeric values length: 1-20. Example: 01,02,03
sdk_info.ephem_pub_key String N/R Public key. Format: semicolon separated JSON Web Key components: crv;kty;x;y. String No City Format: (Maximum Length 50) String No Country, format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 example: 'USA', 'MEX', 'COL', 'ECU', 'ARG', 'BRA', 'CRI', 'CHL', 'PER'
billing_address.line1 String No Extra address info (Maximum Length 50)
billing_address.line2 String No Extra address info (Maximum Length 50)
billing_address.line3 String No Extra address info (Maximum Length 50)
billing_address.postal_code String No Zip Code (Maximum Length 16)
billing_address.state String No State, format: ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code, example 'DF' for Ciudad de México String No City Format: (Maximum Length 50) String No Country, format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 example: 'USA', 'MEX', 'COL', 'ECU', 'ARG', 'BRA', 'CRI', 'CHL', 'PER'
shipping_address.line1 String No Extra address info (Maximum Length 50)
shipping_address.line2 String No Extra address info (Maximum Length 50)
shipping_address.line3 String No Extra address info (Maximum Length 50)
shipping_address.postal_code String No Zip Code (Maximum Length 16)
shipping_address.state String No State, format: ISO 3166-2 country subdivision code, example 'DF' for Ciudad de México
risk_indicator.ship_indicator Number No Format 2 numeric
risk_indicator.delivery_time_frame Number No Length 1-2
risk_indicator.delivery_email_addr String No A valid e-mail address
risk_indicator.reorder_items_ind Number No Length 1-2
risk_indicator.pre_order_purchase Number No Length 1-2
risk_indicator.pre_order_date String No Date, format: YYYYMMDD
risk_indicator.gift_card_amount Number No Format: Decimal with two fraction digits
risk_indicator.gift_card_curr String No Gift card currency, example: COP, MXN, PEN, BRL, CLP
risk_indicator.gift_card_count Number No Format 2 numeric

Parameter Description
authentication.status Authentication status, could be: "Y", "N", "U", "A", "R", "C" or "-" if value not available due errors or not enrolled, for more information authentication_status.
authentication.xid Transaction identifier sent to MPI.
authentication.return_code Returned code from MPI, that provides all the information that is needed to determine how to manage the transaction, for more information return code mpi
authentication.eci Electronic Commerce Indicator, with visa cards, the value to be passed in Authorization message.
authentication.return_message Description of the return_code.
authentication.version 3DS message version used.
authentication.cavv Cardholder Authentication Verification Value, determined by ACS. Format: base64
authentication.reference_id DS Transaction Id.
transaction.dev_reference Id reference from commerce. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
browser_response.challenge_request If cardholder was enrolled and or challenge authentication requested, payment page application must redirects the user browser to the ACS. If this field is not empty, it will contain the html to redirect.
browser_response.hidden_iframe If this field is not empty, the content should be render into an intermediate page into an invisible iframe and wait about 5 seconds.
sdk_response.acs_trans_id Transaction ID from ACS.
sdk_response.acs_signed_content Signed content from ACS.
sdk_response.acs_reference_number ACS reference number.
service The name of the MPI that has authenticated the transaction.

Authentication Status

Code Description
Y Authentication / Account verification successful.
N Not Authenticated / Account not verified. Transaction denied.
U Authentication / Account verification could not be performed.
A Authentication / Verification was attempted but could not be verified.
C Challenge Required. Additional authentication is required using a Challenge.
R Authentication /Account verification rejected by the Issuer.

Return Code MPI

Code Description
0 Not Authenticated, do not continue transaction
1 Fully Authenticated, continue transaction
2 Not enrolled
3 Not enrolled cache
4 Attempt
5 U-received
6 Error received (from Directory or ACS)
9 Pending
50 Execute 3DS method and continue to authentication
80 Skip device case (no 3DS performed as device known not well capable)
91 Network error
92 Directory error (read timeout)
93 Configuration error
95 No directory found for PAN/cardtype
96 No version 2 directory found for PAN/cardtype
100 3DS Communication Error

Continue Authentication

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "id": "AU-107"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "authentication": {
    "status": "Y",
    "xid": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAxMDc=",
    "return_code": "1",
    "eci": "05",
    "return_message": "Authenticated",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "cavv": "QUNTRU1VTUVyS3FqRFlwQ05YIiE=",
    "reference_id": "00000000-463b-5424-8000-000000033f52"
  "transaction": {
    "dev_reference": "ref_12",
    "id": "AU-107"
  "browser_response": {
    "challenge_request": "",
    "hidden_iframe": ""
  "sdk_response": {
    "acs_trans_id": "00000000-0005-5a5a-8000-016ab2e4246c",
    "acs_signed_content": null,
    "acs_reference_number": "JCB0002"
  "service": "nuvei"

If in the authentication return code is 50, this end point should be posted after had been render the iframe and had waited during 5 seconds.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description String Yes Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
Parameter Description
authentication.status Authentication status, could be: "Y", "N", "U", "A", "R", "C" or "-" if value not available due errors or not enrolled, for more information authentication_status.
authentication.xid Transaction identifier sent to MPI.
authentication.return_code Returned code from MPI, that provides all the information that is needed to determine how to manage the transaction, for more information return code mpi
authentication.eci Electronic Commerce Indicator, with visa cards, the value to be passed in Authorization message.
authentication.return_message Description of the return_code.
authentication.version 3DS message version used.
authentication.cavv Cardholder Authentication Verification Value, determined by ACS. Format: base64
authentication.reference_id DS Transaction Id.
transaction.dev_reference Id reference from commerce. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
browser_response.challenge_request If cardholder was enrolled and or challenge authentication requested, payment page application must redirects the user browser to the ACS. If this field is not empty, it will contain the html to redirect.
browser_response.hidden_iframe If this field is not empty, the content should be render into an intermediate page into an invisible iframe and wait about 5 seconds.
sdk_response.acs_trans_id Transaction ID from ACS.
sdk_response.acs_signed_content Signed content from ACS.
sdk_response.acs_reference_number ACS reference number.

Verify Authentication

curl -k  -L -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: auth_token' -d '{
    "transaction": {
        "id": "AU-109"
}' ''

The above request returns JSON structured like this:

  "authentication": {
    "status": "Y",
    "xid": "MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAxMTA=",
    "return_code": "1",
    "eci": "05",
    "return_message": "Y-status/Challenge authentication via ACS:",
    "version": null,
    "cavv": "QUNTRU1VOlFmJCRoQm9EaGxKdFk=",
    "reference_id": "00000000-463b-5424-8000-000000033f52"
  "transaction": {
    "dev_reference": "ref_1234",
    "id": "AU-109"
  "browser_response": {
    "challenge_request": "",
    "hidden_iframe": ""
  "sdk_response": {
    "acs_trans_id": "00000000-0005-5a5a-8000-016ab2e4246c",
    "acs_signed_content": null,
    "acs_reference_number": "JCB0002"
  "service": "nuvei"

If a challenge was requested, this end point has to be requested to validate the Challenge response.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description String Yes Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
cres String Yes for browser Challenge request response received in the term_url. Format: base64 url encoded. Only for device type browser is mandatory
Parameter Description
authentication.status Authentication status, could be: "Y", "N", "U", "A", "R", "C" or "-" if value not available due errors or not enrolled, for more information authentication_status.
authentication.xid Transaction identifier sent to MPI.
authentication.return_code Returned code from MPI, that provides all the information that is needed to determine how to manage the transaction, for more information return code mpi
authentication.eci Electronic Commerce Indicator, with visa cards, the value to be passed in Authorization message.
authentication.return_message Description of the return_code.
authentication.version 3DS message version used.
authentication.cavv Cardholder Authentication Verification Value, determined by ACS. Format: base64
authentication.reference_id DS Transaction Id.
transaction.dev_reference Id reference from commerce. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
browser_response.challenge_request If cardholder was enrolled and or challenge authentication requested, payment page application must redirects the user browser to the ACS. If this field is not empty, it will contain the html to redirect.
browser_response.hidden_iframe If this field is not empty, the content should be render into an intermediate page into an invisible iframe and wait about 5 seconds.
sdk_response.acs_trans_id Transaction ID from ACS.
sdk_response.acs_signed_content Signed content from ACS.
sdk_response.acs_reference_number ACS reference number.

Test Cards

You can use the following cards for your tests. For adding a card or direct purchase in staging environment:

Card Return Code Scenarios
4111111111111111, 36417002140808 valid Charge succeeds
4242424242424242, 347763907473248 rejected Not Authorized
4520121813132351, 378196561987405 rejected Rejected by Fraud System
375953548754701, 376337093362277 rejected Card in black list
4016360000000002 valid 3DS challenge flow

For a card not listed above, the system will leave the card as valid. Once you add a valid card in the platform you can prove the debit using a specific description as follow:

order.description Result
Approved transaction status = success, status_detail = 3
Denied transaction status = failure, status_detail = 9
Reviewed transaction status = pending, status_detail = 1
Rejected by fraud system transaction status = failure, status_detail = 11
Card in black list status = failure, status_detail = 12

You can use either the test cards or the description to prove, but not both.


The above is the JSON returned in the WebHook:

  "transaction": {
     "status": "1",
     "order_description": "ORDER #1507155336536",
     "authorization_code": "113310",
     "status_detail": "3",
     "date": "04/10/2017 22:15:37",
     "message": "Operation Successful",
     "id": "CI-502",
     "dev_reference": "1507155336536",
     "carrier_code": "6",
     "amount": "10.5",
     "paid_date": "04/10/2017 19:15:00",
     "installments": "1",
     "ltp_id": "LeNgJbx57Vnj9Rnq",
     "stoken": "e03f67eba6d730d8468f328961ac9b2e",
     "application_code": "AndroidTest",
     "terminal_code": "12334"
  "user": {
     "id": "4",
     "email": ""
  "card": {
     "bin": "411111",
     "holder_name": "Martin Mucito",
     "type": "vi",
     "number": "1111",
     "origin": "ORIGIN",
     "fiscal_number": "2365448809"

Example of stoken generation (python):

transaction_id = 123
app_code = HF
user_id = 123456
app_key = 2GYx7SdjmbucLKE924JVFcmCl8t6nB
for_md5 = 123_HF_123456_2GYx7SdjmbucLKE924JVFcmCl8t6nB
stoken = hashlib.md5(for_md5).hexdigest()

So the stoken for this example is e242e78ae5f1ed162966f0eacaa0af01

The above is an example of JSON returned for the case of Split Payment:

  "transaction": {
     "status": "1",
     "order_description": "ORDER #1507155336536",
     "authorization_code": "113310",
     "status_detail": "3",
     "date": "04/10/2017 22:15:37",
     "stoken": "e03f67eba6d730d8468f328961ac9b2e",
     "application_code": "AndroidTest",
     "status": "1",
     "paid_date": "04/10/2017 22:15:37",
     "amount": "19000.0",
     "authorization_code": "615246",
     "installments": "1",
     "dev_reference": "11372",
     "message": "Aprobado",
     "carrier_code": "00",
     "id": "RB-37",
     "status_detail": "3"
  "split": {
    "transactions": [
        "installments": "1",
        "amount": "10000.0",
        "id": "RB-37-1",
        "application_code": "App2",
        "authorization_code": "615246"
        "installments": "1",
        "amount": "9000.0",
        "id": "RB-37-2",
        "application_code": "App1",
        "authorization_code": "580705"
  "card": {
    "bin": "377813",
    "holder_name": "Martin Mucito",
    "type": "ax",
    "number": "9063",
    "origin": "ORIGIN"

The following is an example of returned JSON for the case of payment with Cash or Bank Transfer:

  "transaction": {
     "status": "1",
     "order_description": "ORDER #1507155336536",
     "status_detail": "3",
     "date": "04/01/2020 22:15:37",
     "id": "PSE-1000",
     "payment_method_type": "2",
     "dev_reference": "1507155336536",
     "amount": "10.5",
     "paid_date": "04/10/2017 19:15:00",
     "ltp_id": "LeNgJbx57Vnj9Rnq",
     "stoken": "e03f67eba6d730d8468f328961ac9b2e",
     "application_code": "AndroidTest",
     "terminal_code": "12334"
  "user": {
     "id": "4",
     "email": ""

Every time a transaction gets approved or cancelled you will get an HTTP POST request from Global Payments ViComm to your callback_url (you need to provide this url to our staff). The POST includes the following fields:

Parameter Description
transaction.status The status of the transaction, for more information status
transaction.order_description Description of the order to be purchase. Format: (Maximum Length 250)
transaction.authorization_code If success the authorization code responded from carrier.
transaction.status_detail The status detail of the transaction, for more information status detail Transaction date (used for approved numbers in the Dashboard).
transaction.message The returned message from carrier or fraud analysis system. Transaction identifier. This code is unique among all transactions.
transaction.dev_reference Merchant order reference.
transaction.carrier_code The returned code from carrier.
transaction.amount The amount of the transaction.
transaction.paid_date Transaction paid date (used for approved numbers in the Dashboard).
transaction.installments The number of installments for the payment.
transaction.stoken MD5 hash of [transaction_id]_[application_code]_[user_id]_[app_key]
transaction.ltp_id Reference to the link to pay used to pay.
transaction.application_code The transaction belongs to this application code.
transaction.payment_method_type Payment method of the transaction, type string. For more information payment_method_types
transaction.terminal_code Terminal id of the transaction. Customer identifier. This is the identifier you use inside your application. Buyer email, with valid e-mail format.
card.bin The BIN of the card (First six digits of the card).
card.holder_name The credit card holder name.
card.type Abbreviated card type. See the valid options
card.number The last four digits of the card.
card.origin The origin of the credit card. Could be one of the following: ViComm, VisaCheckout, Masterpass.
card.fiscal_number Fiscal number of the payer of the transaction.

For every transaction you must return an HTTP status, this status is only used to know that you received correctly the call:

Status Case
200 success
203 token error

You just need to generate the stoken and match the token against the one you receive to be sure that the POST came from Global Payments ViComm . You must store this information from all transactions in your database and always check the to make sure you are not getting a duplicated POST.

If your server doesn’t respond with an HTTP 200 OK message, the POST will be retrying until get an status HTTP 200, this during 48 hours, with incremental period of time in each retry, first retry will be at 5 min aprox., second retry at 10 min aprox. and so on. In case of receiving any HTTP status >= 500 we will stop trying.

Additionally to approve transactions we also send you those approved transactions that get cancelled, this time the only difference is the status value, which will be 2. In this case you should answer with 200 (so we don’t send it again) and should update the transaction status so you ensure your data and accounting matches with Global Payments ViComm

Status details

The Global Payments ViComm API uses the following status and status details:

Status Meaning
0 Pending
1 Approved
2 Cancelled
4 Rejected
5 Expired
Status Detail Meaning
0 Waiting for Payment.
1 Verification required, please see Verification section.
2 Paid Partially
3 Paid.
4 In Dispute.
5 Overpaid.
6 Fraud.
7 Refund.
8 Chargeback
9 Rejected by carrier.
10 System error.
11 Global Payments ViComm fraud.
12 Global Payments ViComm blacklist.
13 Time tolerance.
14 Expired by Global Payments ViComm
15 Expired by carrier.
16 Rejected by Global Payments ViComm
17 Abandoned by Global Payments ViComm
18 Abandoned by Customer
19 Invalid Authorization Code.
20 Authorization code expired.
21 Global Payments ViComm Fraud - Pending refund.
22 Invalid AuthCode - Pending refund.
23 AuthCode expired - Pending refund.
24 Global Payments ViComm Fraud - Refund requested.
25 Invalid AuthCode - Refund requested.
26 AuthCode expired - Refund requested.
27 Merchant - Pending refund.
28 Merchant - Refund requested.
29 Annulled.
30 Transaction seated (only Ecuador).
31 Waiting for OTP.
32 OTP successfully validated.
33 OTP not validated.
34 Partial refund.
35 3DS method requested, waiting to continue.
36 3DS challenge requested, waiting CRES.
37 Rejected by 3DS.
47 Failure cpf validation
48 Authenticated by 3DS


The Global Payments ViComm API uses the following error codes:

Http Status Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- For example json not well formatted, data type or parameters missing.
401 Unauthorized -- Your auth_token is wrong or expired.
403 Forbidden -- For several reasons, for example invalid card, card already added, carrier not configured or operation not allowed.
404 Not found -- The resource does not exist.
409 Conflict -- For several reasons, for example transaction could not be created, a miss configuration, the response from third party service response with error.
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

Response in case of error

An example of an error returns JSON structured like this:

  "error": {
    "type": "Invalid Token",
    "help": "Auth-Token: should have a format like b64encode(application_code;unix_timestamp;token)",
    "description": "{}"

Parameter Description
error.type Type of error. In some cases a useful help for the developers.
error.description A description of the error.

Payment Method Types

These are the meanings of the different payment method types.

Payment Method Type Code Meaning
0 Credit Card
1 Boleto (Bank Ticket)
5 Vouchers Card
7 Debit Card
8 Prepaid Card